Monday, 22 July 2013

How to create Theme for Google Chrome

Hello Friends,

            Today we are going to learn “How we can create Theme for Google Chrome”

I have already created a demonstration theme for you guys. I hope you will like that.

FirstLove Theme:-

Create a theme for Google Chrome is very easy, you just need to follow the following steps:-

Step 1:-         Add My Chrome Theme
First of all you need to add My Chrome Theme into your Google Chrome.
Copy and Paste the following link into your chrome address bar.

This link will take you to the My Chrome Theme app.
Now click on the Add to Chrome button.

Step 2:-         Launch My Chrome Theme

            After adding it you need to launch My Chrome Theme. After Launch My Chrome Theme will look like as follows:-


            Click on the Start Making Theme button

Step 3:-         Choose an Image for the Background

            Upload an image for the background of your theme.
            You can also take it from your webcam.

Step 4:-         Adjust Position / Image Effects
            You can also adjust the position of the uploaded image. There are some image effects also. You can use these effects too.

            Click on the Continue to Step 2 button.

Step 5:-         Color your Theme
            You can color your Toolbar Color, Background Tab Color and Frame Color.
            You can also use the I’m Feeling Lucky button. That selects all the colors automatically.

            After color selection click on the Continue to Step3 button.

Step 6:-         Make my Theme
            In this step you can give the name of your theme. If you want you can add some more description about your theme.

            After mentioning the name and description click on the Make my Theme button.

Step 7:-         Final Step
            Congratulation you have successfully created your first theme.
            You can install your theme or if you want to share with your friends you can do that in this stage.

Please give your suggestion and feedback. If you have any doubts please feel free to ask…

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

C++ 11 Tutorial

Hello Friend,
            This is the index page of C++ 11.

This page maps the topic covered by the C++11 Tutorial.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


Hello friends,
            Welcome you all in the “LIFECYCLE of an Activity” part 3.

In the part2 we have learnt, how to use onCreate(), onStart() and onResume() system call. We have also seen how the Activity comes into RESUME (visible) state.

Click the following link to refer:-
            LIFECYCLE  of an Activity [Part 2]

            LIFECYCLE  of an Activity [Part 1]

In this part3, we will learn, how to use onPause(), onStop() and onDestroy() system call. We will also learn how state change from RESUME to PAUSED, PAUSED to STOP and STOP to DESTROY.

Step1:            User Interface of MainActivity
                        Add one more Button into the MainActivity name as “Start Sub Activity”.
                        Please add the following code into the activity_main.xml file.


Step2:            Create a New Activity
                        File à New à Other à Android à AndroidActivity

                        Select BlankActivity, click Next.
                        Project:         LifeCycleDemo                   
                        Activity name:  SubActivity
                        Click Finish.

Step3:            Implement onPause(), onStop(), onDestroy() system calls

Define the onPause(), onStop() and onDestroy() system call into the MainActivity.
Create a function that handles the “Start Sub Acivity” Button click event.

Please add the following code into the file:-

   protected void onPause() {
        mStatusView.append("MainActivity: onPause()\n");
        mStatusView.append("MainActivity: In PAUSED state ---\n");
   protected void onStop() {
        mStatusView.append("MainActivity: onStop()\n");
        mStatusView.append("MainActivity: In STOP state ---\n");
   protected void onDestroy() {
        mStatusView.append("MainActivity: onDestroy()\n");

      public void startSubActivity(View v) 
         Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SubActivity.class);

Step4:            Implement all the lifecycle system calls for SubActivity

                      Please modify the file as follows:-

 package com.example.lifecycledemo;

 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.view.Menu;
 import android.view.View;
 import android.widget.TextView;

 public class SubActivity extends Activity {

  private TextView mStatusView;
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   mStatusView = (TextView) findViewById(;
   mStatusView.setText("SubActivity: onCreate()\n");

  public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
 // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
   getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
   return true;

  protected void onStart() {
   mStatusView.append("SubActivity: onStart()\n");
  protected void onResume() {
   mStatusView.append("SubActivity: onResume()\n");
   mStatusView.append("SubActivity: In RESUME state ---\n");

  protected void onPause() {
   mStatusView.append("SubActivity: onPause()\n");
   mStatusView.append("SubActivity: In PAUSED state ---\n");

  protected void onStop() {
   mStatusView.append("SubActivity: onStop()\n");
   mStatusView.append("SubActivity: In STOP state ---\n");

  protected void onDestroy() {
   mStatusView.append("SubActivity: onDestroy()\n");


  public void destroyActivity(View v) {

Step 5:           Design User Interface for SubActivity

Please modify the activity_sub.xml file as follows:-






Step 6:           Compile and RUN the application.

Visible state of MainActivity :-

Click the Start Sub_Activity Button, Now the State of MainActivity and State of SubActivity are as follows:-


Destroy the SubActivity:-

Please give your valuable comments.

Do not forgot to share !!!


Hello friends,
            Welcome you all in the “LIFECYCLE of an Activity” part 2.

In the part1 we have learnt, what is an Activity and its Lifecycle?
In this part2, we create a lifecycle demo application, which demonstrate how the state of an Activity changes?
This application also demonstrates what are the system call invoke when an Activity changes the State.

Step1:-          Create an Android Application Project
                        First of all create a new Project.
                        File à New à Android Application Project
                                    Application Name: LifeCycleDemo
                        Click Next
                        Click Next
                        Select BlankActivity, Click Next
                        Click Finish

Step2:-          Create User Interface

We are using the LinearLayout and vertical orientation for this applicaton.
 We need to set this in activity_main.xml file.

We are also putting some TextView and Button in our demo application to make it user interactive.

Modify the activity_main.xml with the following code:-







Step 3:-         Modify the strings.xml file

                        Please copy-paste the following code into the strings.xml file.

     Hello world!
     Start [ Sub_Activity ]
     Destroy Current Activity



Step 4:-         Defining color and fonts for the application.
                        Go to /res/values directory of the LifeCycleDemo project.
                        Create a new xml file and give name as color_and_font.xml




Step 5:-         Defining system calls, who changes the State of an Activity.

                        Please modify the file with the following code:-
 package com.example.lifecycledemo;

 import android.os.Bundle;
 import android.content.Intent;
 import android.view.Menu;
 import android.view.View;
 import android.widget.TextView;

 public class MainActivity extends Activity

  private TextView mStatusView;
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   mStatusView = (TextView) findViewById(;
   mStatusView.setText("MainActivity: onCreate()\n");
  protected void onStart() {
   mStatusView.append("MainActivity: onStart()\n");
  protected void onResume() {
   mStatusView.append("MainActivity: onResume()\n");
   mStatusView.append("MainActivity: In RESUME state ---\n");

  public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
   // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
   getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
   return true;

  public void destroyActivity(View v) {



Step 6:-         Compile and RUN the LifeCycleDemo application.

This application shows you, when onCreate(), onStart(), onResume()  system call invoke and How the application came into RESUME (visible) state.

In the next part we will see, How the application move into the PAUSED, STOP and DESTROY state?

Friday, 5 July 2013


Hello Friends,
            Welcome you all in the Android Tutorial.

Today we are going to learn about the very important component of android application “ACTIVTY” and it’s LIFECYCLE.

Like any other programming language like C, C++ or Java where the execution of the code starts from the main() function.
In android same thing can be achieved by the ACTIVITY. In android application main activity is behave like main() function.

What is an Activity?

An Activity provides a user interface, from where the user can interact with our android application.
Each activity is a single screen. An android application can have multiple activities.
            Main activity is same like any other activity but main activity is the one who interacts with the user first time when they start the application.
An activity can start another activity also in order to perform different actions.

Lifecycle of an Activity:-
         The following diagram shows the Lifecycle of an Activity:-

The key parts of the lifecycle are the “system calls”.
With the help of these system calls, activity changes his state from one to another.
There are only three main states of the Lifecycle, which can be static.
They are:-
1)    Resumed
2)    Paused
3)    Stopped

In this state an activity is visible to the user. User can interact with the activity at this time. We can also refer this state as a “Running” state.

Suppose activity A is in Resumed/Running state. At this time another activity B came up in the Running state. Activity B has not covered the entire screen or we can say activity B is semi-transparent.

            This time activity A moved into the Paused state.
In Paused State, activity A does not interact with the user and cannot execute any code.

            In this state activity is completely hidden or not visible to the user.
            We can say activity is running in the background.
In this state activity instance and its state information like member variables are retained.
In this state also activity cannot execute any code.

When user first time launches the application, the system create the new instance of the Activity by calling onCreate() method.
Once onCreate() finishes execution, the system calls the onStart() and onResume()  method and the Activity moved into the Resumed/Running State.

onCreate() is the very first lifecycle callback and onDestroy() is the very last.

It is not necessary to implement all the lifecycle methods. It’s all depend on the requirement of the application what we develop.

In the next part of ACTIVITY LIFECYCLE, we will be writing some code and trying to understand how to start an Activity and how to move from one state to another.

Thanks for reading, please give your suggestion.

Please share it !!!

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

How to communicate between separate Activities

Hello Friends,
            Welcome you all in the Android tutorial.

Today we are going to learn “How to communicate between separate Activities”?

We have already developed the GUI application for an android device.
That application has First_Name , Last_Name text-field and one send Button.

We are going to use the same GUI application in today’s session. If you have not created the application please refer the following link:-

How to develop a Graphical User Interface ( GUI ) 

In today’s topic we will create another activity which displays the First_Name and Last_Name on the screen, send by the MainActivity of the GUI application.

Let’s start:-

Step 1: Define a function that handles the onClick event of the Button
            In  add the following line :-

   /* sendData handles the onClick event*/
       public void sendData(View view) {


            Must have condition for the function that handles the onClick event are :-
           ·        It must be public
           ·        It must have a void return type
           ·        It must have a View as the only parameter.

Step 2: Add the onClick attribute to the Button


           sendData is the function which responds to the onClick event. Add onClick attribute on <BUTTON> element in activity_main.xml file.

Step 3: Binding of two Activities
            Binding of separate components can be achieved by the Intent object.
           “Intent” provides the run-time binding between separate components (for example between two activities).
                        Intent intent = new Intent (this, DisplayActivity.class);

            Intent constructor here takes two parameter.
             ·     A Context as the first parameter. We are passing this because Activity class is a subclass of Context.
            ·    The Class of the application component to which the system should deliver the Intent.
            We should deliver the Intent to the another activity named as DisplayActivity. 
            We are going to create this activity later.

Step 4: Create a message what you want to pass it to another activity

            We have designed two Text-Fields in our GUI app.
            We will fetch those data and send it to another activity.
            Check the following code:-
            Intent intent = new Intent(this, DisplayActivity.class);
     EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
     String message = editText.getText().toString();
     editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
     message +="__"+editText.getText().toString();

          findViewById() we are using to find the EditText according to id.

            Our modified code will look like as follows:-
        package com.example.firstgui;

        import android.os.Bundle;
        import android.content.Intent;
        import android.view.Menu;
        import android.view.View;
        import android.widget.EditText;

        public class MainActivity extends Activity {
 public final static String EXTRA_MESSAGE = "Message from MainActivity";
 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

 public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
  // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is                 present.
  getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
  return true;

 /** Called when the user clicks the Send button */
 public void sendData(View view) {
     // Do something in response to button
  Intent intent = new Intent(this, DisplayActivity.class);
     EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
     String message = editText.getText().toString();
     editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
     message += "__"+editText.getText().toString();
     message ="Welcome , "+message;
     intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, message);

            In EXTRA_MESSAGE we are keeping some constant message.

          Our modified activity_main.xml file will look like as follows:-



Step 5: Create the Second Activity

               Steps to follow :-

            a)  File à New à Other à Android à AndroidActivity
            b)  Select BlankActivity, click Next.
            c)  Select the GUI Project, “FirstGUI”
            d)  Activity name “DisplayActivity”
            e)  Hierarchical Parent , select the MainActivity of the FirsrGUI app
            f)  Click Finish.

Step 6: Receive the Intent
            We can get the Intent by calling getIntent() function. We can also retrieve the data contained within it.

Step 7: Display Message

            We are using a TextView widget to show the received message on the Screen.

            Modify the onCreate() of the , as follow :-
         protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 
   // Get the message from the intent
     Intent intent = getIntent();
     String message = intent.getStringExtra(MainActivity.EXTRA_MESSAGE);

     // Create the text view
     TextView textView = new TextView(this);

     // Set the text view as the activity layout


Clean and Build your Project. Test it with Emulator or Android Device.

Please give your valuable suggestions / comments. Do not forgot to share :)

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

How to Setup Android Developer Tool and "Hello World" of the Android

Hi Friends,
            Welcome you all in the Android Tutorial. 

Today we will learn "How to Setup the Android Developer Tool (ADT)" and "How to create first android Application".


First of all we will setup our development environment for Android.
For that you need to download the ANDROID DEVELOPER TOOL (ADT).

You can use the following link to download the ADT :-

            This single bundle gives everything you need for developing apps.
1)    Eclipse + ADT plugin
2)    Android SDK Tools
3)    Android Platform-tools
4)    Simulator

Setting up the Developer Tool:-
1)    Unzip the zip file named adt-bunlde-<os-platform>.zip and save it to some location where you want to save.
2)    Move to adt-bundle-<os-platform>/eclipse/ directory and run the eclipse exe.

Create our first Android Project:-

The steps for creating a new Android Application are as follows:-

1)    Go to File à New  and click on Android Application Project.

2)    Write your application name in the Application Name.

a.     Project Name: is the name of your project directory.

b.     Package Name: is the name package namespace.

c.      Minimum Required SDK: is the lowest version of Android that your app support.
d.     Target SDK: is the highest version of Android what your app support.
e.     Compile With: is the platform version against which your app will compile.
f.       Theme specifies: the Android UI style apply for your app.
3)    Click on the next button.
4)    Leave the next screen default and click on the next button.
5)    Next screen is the launcher icon screen. You can customize also. Leave this screen as default , click on the next button.
6)    Next screen belongs to the activity template. For this project select BlankActivity and click next button.
7)    Leave the next screen default and do Finish.
   Now your first android application is ready with some default files.

How to Run on the Emulator:-

            First of all before running our application on the Emulator, we need to create an Android Virtual Device (AVD).
1)    Click on the Android Virtual Device Manager.
    The following image shows how AVD manager look like.

2)    Click on New Button. Type AVD name. I have given Galaxy Nexus. Select Device, choose Galaxy Nexus device. We will try to run our application on Galaxy Nexus emulator.

3)    Click on the OK button.

4)    Select your AVD device and click on the start button.

5)    Click on the Launch Button.

6)    You might get some error like the following image.

7)    To fix this error, select your AVD device and click on the edit button, change the ram size to 512.
8)    Start your AVD once again. This will take some long time.
9)    Then unlock your emulator screen.
10)           Click Run Button from the toolbar. 
         This will run your first application on the Emulator.

Your application on the Emulator will look like this.

Porting of the application on an Android Device:-
1)    Plug in your device to the development machine with a USB cable.
2)    Enable USB DEBUGGING on your device.
a.     On device Android 3.2 or older,  you can find this option under Settings à Applications à Development.
b.     On Android 4.0 and newer, it’s in Settings à Developer options.
On Android 4.2 and newer versions, Developer options is hidden by default. To make it available go to Setting à About phone and tap Build number seven times.
Return to previous screen to find the Developer option.

If you are developing on Windows then you might need to install a proper USB drive for you device.
If you are connected with net windows 7 will automatically install the proper driver.
The following link helps to install driver related things.

3)    Open your first application project and click on the RUN menu and select Run Configuration.
4)    Go to Target Tab.

5)    Select Always prompt to pick device and click on the run button
6)    Then choose a running Android device.
7)    Click ok.
Then you will see some messages on console window like Uploading FirstApp.apk on device.
Installing FirstApp.apk

Check it out your android device; you will be seeing the application running.

Enjoy your First Android Application buddies. 

Do comments, ask questions, and don't forgot to share it with your buddies.