Hi friends,
Are you a game crazy? Do you want to develop your own game for Android OS?
So don’t suffer anymore, all the answers are
here. I will be sharing with you my knowledge of game development for Android OS.
I will be completing this Android Game
Development tutorial in 4 posts.
We will start from the basic of game development. Today we will learn how to create a basic game with basic game functionality.
Prerequisite are
1) Basic knowledge of Core Java, Java Threads, Frames, Applets, Image,
Event Handling.
2) Net-beans.
First of all let’s discusses about the basic
functionality of game.
A main game object.
Movement of the game object.
Background Scrolling.
Handling of X and Y coordinate of your
game object.
A main game object:-
The main game object is the one from which the game player interacts directly. Take an example of a Mario game, Mario is the main game object.
The main game object is the one from which the game player interacts directly. Take an example of a Mario game, Mario is the main game object.
first choose your game object, whichever you would like to see in your game.
of the game object:-
Then you should think of the movement of the game object. The basic movement are Jump, move downwards, move right, move left, stop.
Then you should think of the movement of the game object. The basic movement are Jump, move downwards, move right, move left, stop.
to your game need you can add or remove the features. Like fast
running, high jump, crawl.
This is the important game functionality. Suppose you have a game screen of 500 x 250 (in pixels). You start the game and moving the game main object in the right direction. Here you have to decide how long you will go in right direction otherwise you will be out of the screen. So we have to fix the maximum X co-ordinate in right direction. Same thing apply on the left side movement, we have to fix the minimum X co-ordinate in left direction.
This is the important game functionality. Suppose you have a game screen of 500 x 250 (in pixels). You start the game and moving the game main object in the right direction. Here you have to decide how long you will go in right direction otherwise you will be out of the screen. So we have to fix the maximum X co-ordinate in right direction. Same thing apply on the left side movement, we have to fix the minimum X co-ordinate in left direction.
let’s see this, now you have fixed the minimum X and maximum X co-ordinate.
Suppose you are at the maximum X and you want to
move further then how you will solve this situation.
Here comes Background Scrolling in picture. We
will solve this situation via Background Scrolling. After a Maximum X we will
not move the main game object but we will move the background of the game. If you
do this the user will feel like game object is still moving. The same thing we will apply when we reached
the minimum X.
of X,Y co-ordinate:-
In game development so many things are depend on the handling of X,Y co-ordinates of the game objects.
In game development so many things are depend on the handling of X,Y co-ordinates of the game objects.
have to handle the co-ordinate whenever you are moving, jumping, etc.
Scrolling also is a trick of handling X,Y co-ordinates.
Now let’s create your first java game.
So what are the things you need for your first Game.
GameMain.java (An applet class, This class handles Graphics and Event
HandlingXY.java (This class handles the X,Y co-ordinate of our Game)
Image/1.png Image directory, 1.png is the first
background image
Image/2.png Image directory, 2.png is the second
background image
Image/3.png Image directory,3.png is the third
background image
6) Image/gameHero.png Image directory, gameHero.png is the fourth image
6) Image/gameHero.png Image directory, gameHero.png is the fourth image
/*****************************************************//* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ import java.applet.Applet; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.net.URL; /** * * @author Shobhit Upadhyaya */ public class GameMain extends Applet implements Runnable, KeyListener{ /** * Initialization method that will be called after the applet is loaded into * the browser. */ static public int image3X=-1000; static public int image1X=0; static public int image2X=1000; private Image image, character, bg1, bg2, bg3; private Graphics gObject; private URL base; static public int bX=500; static public int bY=220; static int rX1=550; static int rX2=150; static int rY1=250; static int rY2=50; HandlingXY mainObject; public void init() { // TODO start asynchronous download of heavy resources setSize(900, 400); setBackground(Color.WHITE); setFocusable(true); addKeyListener(this); Frame frame = (Frame) this.getParent().getParent(); frame.setTitle("Game Development [Part1]"); try { base = getCodeBase(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } // Image Setups character = getImage(base, "images/gameHero.png"); bg1 = getImage(base, "images/1.png"); bg2 = getImage(base, "images/2.png"); bg3 = getImage(base, "images/3.png"); } @Override public void start() { mainObject = new HandlingXY(); Thread thread = new Thread(this); thread.start(); } @Override public void stop() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void destroy() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void run() { while (true) { mainObject.updateXY(); repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(17); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public void update(Graphics g) { if (image == null) { image = createImage(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()); gObject = image.getGraphics(); } paint(gObject); g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this); } @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(bg1, image3X, 0, this); g.drawImage(bg2, image1X, 0, this); g.drawImage(bg3, image2X, 0, this); g.drawImage(character, mainObject.getCenterX(), mainObject.getCenterY() , this); } @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { switch (e.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_UP: System.out.println("Move up"); break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: System.out.println("Move down"); break; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: mainObject.moveLeft(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: mainObject.moveRight(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE: System.out.println("Jump"); mainObject.jump(); break; } } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { switch (e.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_UP: System.out.println("Stop moving up"); break; case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: System.out.println("Stop moving down"); break; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: mainObject.stop(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: mainObject.stop(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE: System.out.println("Stop jumping"); break; } } @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } // TODO overwrite start(), stop() and destroy() methods }
Let’s understand main code snippets of GameMain Class one by one.
1) public class GameMain extends Applet
implements Runnable, KeyListener
We are using the
Runnable and KeyListener Class to handle threads and Key Events.
2) getCodeBase();
We are using the
getCodeBase() to get the base URL. It provides the URL for the location of the
applet's class file.
here base is the
object of the URL class;
URL base =
To load an image
in an applet, we are use the getImage() function.
3) Start() function of the applet
public void
start() {
mainObject = new HandlingXY();
Thread thread = new Thread(this);
Here we are
creating the object of the HandlingXY class.
We are also
creating a new Thread and we are starting the thread also.
4) Run() of the Thread
Here we are keep
on calling the updateXY() and repaint() function.
updateXY() updates
the X,Y co-ordinates and repaint() is for drawing the background and game
object images on the applet.
Repaint() =>
update() => paint()
5) Key Event Handling.
X1 is the position from where we are starting the image drawing. X2 is the position where the image drawing ends.
/********************************************************//* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ /** * * @author Shobhit Upadhyaya */ public class HandlingXY { private final int Y = 250; private int centerX = 100; private int centerY = Y; private boolean jumped = false; private int speedX = 0; private int speedY = 1; private void handlingY() { // Updates Y Position centerY += speedY; if (centerY + speedY >= Y) { centerY = Y; } // Handles Jumping if (jumped == true) { speedY += 1; if (centerY + speedY >= Y ) { centerY = Y; speedY = 0; System.out.println("Jump done..."); jumped = false; } } } private void handlingX() { // Here we are fixing the minimum X coordinate of mainObject. if (centerX + speedX <= 160) { centerX = 161; } if (speedX < 0) { centerX += speedX; /* * Handling Background Scrolling * Putting 3 images back to back. * */ GameMain.image3X -= speedX; GameMain.image1X -= speedX; GameMain.image2X -= speedX; if(GameMain.image1X >= 1000) { GameMain.image1X -= 3000; } if(GameMain.image3X >= 1000) { GameMain.image3X -= 3000; } if(GameMain.image2X >= 1000) { GameMain.image2X -= 3000; } } else if (speedX == 0) { /* Speed zero, when u don;t press any key */ } else { if (centerX <= 400) { // 400 is the max X point centerX += speedX; } else { /* * Handling Background Scrolling * Putting 3 images back to back. * */ GameMain.image3X -= speedX; GameMain.image2X -= speedX; GameMain.image1X -= speedX; if(GameMain.image1X <= -1000) { GameMain.image1X += 3000; // 1000 * no of images = 3000 } if(GameMain.image2X <= -1000) { GameMain.image2X += 3000; } if(GameMain.image3X <= -1000) { GameMain.image3X += 3000; } } } } public void updateXY(){ handlingX(); handlingY(); } public void moveRight() { speedX = 10; // how much pixel object moves to right per -> key pressed } public void moveLeft() { speedX = -10; } public void stop() { speedX = 0; } public void jump() { if (jumped == false) { speedY = -20; jumped = true; } } public int getCenterX() { return centerX; } public int getCenterY() { return centerY; } }
Let’s understand main code snippets of
HandlingXY Class:-
UpdateXY() :-
This is the main function of this class. This function deals with the
X,Y co-ordinate of the game.
This calls two functions.
handlingX(); This
handles the X co-ordinate, when you move right or left and Background Scrolling.
handlingY(); This handles the Y co-ordinate ,
when you perform jump.
Let’s see how we are handling Background
Scrolling when you reach the minimum X
* Handling Background Scrolling
* Putting 3 images back to
GameMain.image3X -= speedX;
GameMain.image1X -= speedX;
GameMain.image2X -= speedX;
Here speedX is the speed of
the character when the character is moving in the left direction.
Image3 X1= -1000;
X1 is the position from where we are starting the image drawing. X2 is the position where the image drawing ends.
How we are calculating the X2, we know
the X1 (from where we are starting the image) and add the number of pixels you have in you image. Here all the images
are 1000 pixels long.
Our applet screen starting X is 0 and max
is 500. So in the starting we will only see the Image1 because when we are
drawing the image we are setting the start coordinate of this image 0 (X1) and
Our character
When we do background scrolling we subtract the X position of the
image with the speedX.
Suppose the current X position of the image is 0 and speedX is -10,
after doing the subtraction you will get new X is 10.
speedX is –ve negative when you move left. speedX is +ve positive when
you move right.
Like that Image3 X1 alse get updated. Now it became -990 and X2 = X1 +
1000 = 10;
Now here the small part of the Image3 comes into the game screen ( 10 pixel long ).
Now here the small part of the Image3 comes into the game screen ( 10 pixel long ).
Did you get now how the hidden Image3 came into the screen ?
Our character
What will happen when you reach the X1=0 of the Image3. Because we don’t
have anyother image behind Image3. You will get the blank screen. To handle
this situation you need to keep on putting the right hand side image back to
the last left hand side image.
if(GameMain.image1X >= 1000)
GameMain.image1X -= 3000;
if(GameMain.image3X >= 1000)
GameMain.image3X -= 3000;
if(GameMain.image2X >= 1000)
GameMain.image2X -= 3000;
Steps to be followed to create a our first game project, are :-
1) Open NetBeans
2) File --> New Project --> select Java Application , click Next
3) In the project name give "GameDevelopmentPart1" and do not create the Main Class, because we will be using an Applet. So unchecked the Create Main Class check-box and Click Finish.
4) Create an applet class. Right hand side of the Projects window, right click on the GameDevelompentPart1 project, select new --> choose Applet.
5) Give the applet name GameMain.java
6) Create an another class. Right click on the GameDevelopmentPart1 project, select new --> choose Java Class.
7) Give the Java Class name HandlingXY.java
8) Create a directory named as images in the src folder of the GameDevelopmentPart1 project.
9) Copy all the images what i have shared with you in the images folder and mentioned the same name what i have given.
10) Copy the source code of the GameMain.java and HandlingXY.java with the code i have shared with you and paste it in the respective file of the same name what you have created.
11) Click on the GameMain.java and press SHIFT+F6 to run the applet.
I hope you will enjoy your own first game.
What we will learn in part2 of game development ?
1) We will create a game level.
2) We will add animation in the game.
3) We will learn how to resolve collision detection.
4) We will add game over, game wining scenario.
This tutorial is useful for anyone who is interested to learn game development for Android OS. If you are a CS or IT student you can create a Android game project, install it on your Android phone and give the demo of the project.
If you are a IT professional you can develop your own game and you can put your game in the Android market for other users.
Its all upto you how you want to cash your knowledge.
At last i want to say is, I am not a java professional. I am a C & Linux Developer. If i can learn this "you can too".
Please do comments if you have any doubt related to today's topic.
Please share this blog with your friends, college mates or colleague so that they can also learn.
Thanks and Cheers,
Happy Learning ...........
Hey! I'm new to Android Game Development, I find this blog, especially your articles, very helpful! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThanks +Fakhirah Bano, keep in touch for new updates :)
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